Print Advertising Success

Articles providing evidence that print advertising is effective
TMS franchisee wins AdMall award | SalesFuel

TMS franchisee wins AdMall award | SalesFuel

Bradley Toy’s Town Money Saver franchise serves the rural community of Central Kentucky. He knows his client base well and continuously looks for ways his agricultural advertisers can maximize their campaign dollars.It also helps that he has 27+ years of media sales...

Direct Mail: The Walking Dead | RT Marketing Blog

Direct Mail: The Walking Dead | RT Marketing Blog

If I told you that 65 percent of consumers made a purchase as a direct result of this marketing medium—what would you think? What if I told you that this platform is direct mail? That’s right, direct mail. The one thing you’re probably not doing.

Why Direct Mail Marketing Is Far From Dead

Why Direct Mail Marketing Is Far From Dead

We’ve all heard an urban legend or two in our time. Usually they are creepy tales told during sleepovers or over a campfire, like Bloody Mary. Legend has it that if you close the lights, look into a mirror and say “Bloody Mary” three times, you will summon the ghost of an executed witch.

For marketers and business owners, one of the biggest urban legends is: Direct mail is dead. It was killed by the internet.

However, it’s not just alive and well, but in fact, direct mail could be considered superior to other marketing channels based on recent statistics and studies.

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