by Town Money Saver | Apr 16, 2018 | Print Advertising, Shared
• The whole ‘traditional media is dead/no it isn’t’ debate is boring, old-hat and takes focus away from joined-up thinking. As Mark Ritson puts it: “In all the calls for a digital-first approach and the subsequent responses to defend traditional media, most marketers...
by Town Money Saver | Mar 20, 2018 | Print Advertising, Shared
• Officially, the average direct mail response rate is 3% to 5%—but that’s probably on the low side. • By volume, direct mail (like all mail) is declining. That’s an opportunity for you. • When you combine direct mail with digital, things get really interesting. Read...
by Town Money Saver | Mar 20, 2018 | Print Advertising, Shared
• It’s time to get your clients’ ads more attention by taking advantage of a medium other advertisers underestimate (even though it holds receivers’ attention for 118% longer than digital). • Direct mail is viewed by the public as more...
by Town Money Saver | Mar 20, 2018 | News, Print Advertising, Shared
Bradley Toy’s Town Money Saver franchise serves the rural community of Central Kentucky. He knows his client base well and continuously looks for ways his agricultural advertisers can maximize their campaign dollars.It also helps that he has 27+ years of media sales...
by Town Money Saver | Feb 16, 2018 | Print Advertising
• A single piece of mail can now sell a lot more trucks than it did 10 years ago • Today data is cheap; the problem with something cheap and easy to deploy: everyone starts doing it Read the entire article » Source: Why direct mail is more valuable to advertisers than...
by Town Money Saver | Feb 16, 2018 | Print Advertising
Highlights from the article: • Consumers are 75% more likely to remember what they read in a physical mail document • Although the ROI for direct mail is lower than those of other mediums, the response rate has been known to be higher for direct mail • Millennials...