by Town Money Saver | Mar 17, 2020 | News
Small businesses are the backbone that makes Town Money Saver work. The COVID-19 pandemic is hurting the people we love and work with. So in an effort to provide any help we can, TMS has compiled this list of various articles and resources filled with ideas to help...
by Town Money Saver | Mar 16, 2020 | Print Advertising, Shared
Restaurants have always been a staple to Town Money Saver. In this difficult time, we want to help our restaurant owners in any way we can. COVID-19 is going to affect the entire planet. Restaurants and hospitality are going to get hammered. Here are some steps you...
by Town Money Saver | Mar 13, 2020 | News, Press Release
Town Money Saver is taking every precaution to insure your safety and the safety of others during the current COVID-19 pandemic. We know this can be a very stressful time for a great many families, and we want to take a moment to let you know that we are here for you....
by Town Money Saver | Mar 11, 2020 | Print Advertising, Shared
“Print media is surviving in spite of the predictions of some doomsayers. In fact, in a number of areas, it remains the preferred format. As the dust from digital’s disruption begins to settle, print may be finding some safe footing once again.” Read the...
by Town Money Saver | Mar 4, 2020 | Industry Specific, Print Advertising
Need to advertise your pawn shop? Look no further than direct mail with Town Money Saver to help give your marketing new life. Here’s why. Actions 67 percent of pawn shop customers took action in the past 12 months because of direct mail from a pawn shop,...